Interior detailing is important to your car as it keeps your vehicle in great condition. Whether you plan on using your car for a lifetime or plan on selling it in a few years. It’s a smart idea to ensure the interior of your car is detailed!
Experts Agree
A leather interior offers luxury and comfort that also needs to be maintained over time. If you have a leather interior, we recommend cleaning all parts of the leather with a professional leather cleaner and polishes. Ask your mobile detailer about leather products you can use on your car. This will provide your leather interior with a cleaner driving experience as well as protecting your seat's condition! .

Upholstery Stains
Upholstery stains are never fun. Sometimes stains are hard to remove whether it be dirt, grime, food stains, or even blood. There are plenty of environmentally friendly cleaners that are used to remove stains. A professional mobile detailer will use top of the line products to give your car a new and clean healthy environment.
Interior detailing isn't an easy job. Top Shine can take that stress off of your plate!
To learn more about our interior detailing packages and pricing, please contact us at Top Shine